SmartWork is a European project that addresses one of the main challenges faced by today’s older generation, which involves living and working longer than their ancestors, through the design and creation of smart, age-friendly living and working spaces.
SmartWork will create an Artificial Intelligence (AI) system centered on the worker able to:
- Offer a set of smart services to support the active and healthy ageing of older office workers, using artificial intelligence.
- Monitor workers’ health, behaviour, emotional and cognitive status, while responding to their individual needs.
- Support workers to stay longer and happier at their workplace, allowing them to face the consequences of ageing, sedentary lifestyle and also physical and mental health problems.
- Provide benefits for older workers, their employers and caregivers, which have a wider positive impact on society and in the community well-being.
- Actively involve the end users (older office workers aged over 55, employers and caregivers) in real environments, at experimental pilot site locations in Coimbra (Portugal) and Aarhus (Denmark) in order to co-create and evaluate the SmartWork system.
The six services to be made available by SmartWork are specifically aimed at three main target groups:
- Office workers over the age of 55 – through 4 monitoring services dedicated to continuous assessment of their health risks (healthyMe), as well as their functional and cognitive capacity (myWorkAbility), also providing them adapted support to their work (ubiWork and workCoach).
- Employers – through a service (digiTeam) that will enable them to improve the efficiency and productivity of their teams of office workers, using AI tools to support decision and management of contextual and individual knowledge.
- Caregivers – through a service (iCare) that will monitor the general health status of the people they care for, thus providing them full support for informal care tasks.
In short, the SmartWork system aims to support the maintenance of an active professional life for older workers, despite the aging process and the possible functional limitations or care needs arising from their health conditions.
In the SmartWork project, CDC coordinates two work packages: one related to the correspondence between the real needs and expectations of the end users, considering the construction and use of such a system, and the technological and functional characteristics of the system itself (WP2 – Architecture of the System, Requirements and Use Cases); the other related to the implementation of pilots, for testing the technologies developed through the project, and thus contributing to its further iterative improvement, in order to create a final technological version of the AI system (and WP8 – Technology, Validation and Evaluation).
CDC will also lead the tasks related to ethics and data protection involved in the implementation of the pilots, as well as the standardization and concertation activities of the project, aimed at involving relevant stakeholders to increase the potential of the SmartWork’s final result.
Additionally, CDC will also lead the consortium ethical, legal and safety management tasks.
Project Name: Smart Age-friendly Living and Working Environment
Project Acronym: Smartwork
Start date: 01/01/2019
End date: 31/12/2021
Total Budget: 3 986 300.00 €
Project Coordinator: Byte Computer Anonymi Viomichanikiemporiki Etaireia
- Byte Computer Anonymi Viomichanikiemporiki Etaireia (Byte)
- Panepistimio Patron (Upat)
- Raising The Floor-International Association (Rtf-I)
- Caritas Diocesana De Coimbra (Cdc)
- Roessingh Research And Development Bv (Rrd)
- Instituto Pedro Nunes Associacao Para A Inovacao E
- Desenvolvimento Em Ciencia E Tecnologia (Ipn)
- Spark Works Itc (Sparks)
- Linkopings Universitet (Coin)
- Arhus Kommune (Cat)
- Echalliance Company Limited By Guarantee (ECHAlliance)
Website: http://www.smartworkproject.eu/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/SmartWorkEU
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/company/smartworkeu/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/smartworkeu
Funding for this research is provided by EU Horizon 2020 SmartWork Project ‘Smart Age-friendly Living and Working Environment’, Grant agreement no. 826343
Cáritas Coimbra disseminated SmartWork in Poland
SmartWork guarantees the presence of Cáritas Coimbra in PETRA
Smartwork will be disseminated at the international congress “Intervention in health and well-being”
Cáritas Coimbra disseminates SmartWork in Poland
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Caritas Coimbra shared good practices about Healthy Cities
Cáritas Coimbra attended AgeingFit 2019 International Conference in Lille – France
Cáritas Coimbra discussed standards for active and healthy ageing in Brussels
Cáritas Coimbra is going to discuss standards for active and healthy ageing in Brussels
Caritas Coimbra starts new project H2020 – SmartWork with meeting in Athens, Greece