The partnership is developed in a quadruple layer-scheme:
- Coordinators
- Main partners – The European organisations and networks that supported the Thematic Network main document.
- Associated partners – all organisations and networks that cooperate with the coordinators by delivering work, suggestions and comments on the draft Framing Paper and draft Joint Statement.
- Endorsing partners – networks or organisations that just endorse the final version of the Joint Statement that is presented to the European Commission in November 2018

Andy Bleaden (International Projects Manager)

Tom van Bethem (Vice-Chair)
Anne Berit Rafoss

European Centre for Social Welfare Policy and Research
Kai Leichsenring (Executive Director)

European Covenant on Demographic Change
Joan Martin (President)
Anne-Sophie Parent (Secretary-General)

European Health Telematics Association (EHTEL)
Marc Lange (Secretary General)
Diane Whitehouse (Principal eHealth Policy Analyst)

European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing (EIP-AHA)
Representatives from groups D4 and C2

European Innovation Partnership Smart Cities and Communities (EIP-SCC)
Roberta Maio | PWC

Reference Sites Collaborative Network
Maddalena Illario | Campania Region

European Construction, Built Environment and Energy Efficient Building Technology Platform (ECTP)
Alexander Peine
Rua D. Francisco de Almeida, n 14
3030-382 Coimbra, Portugal
+351 239 792 430 (Headquarters)
+351 966 825 595 (Headquarters)