Category Archives: Notícias

On the 25th of February 2021, the Workshop “Open Web Platforms that support active and healthy ageing” took place, promoted by Cáritas Diocesana de Coimbra. This event was attended by more than 50 stakeholders, from various positions in the value chain, from all over the country, who discussed mainly how to promote the use and exploitation of these […]

Notícias, Notícias CDC 0

On February 12th, Cáritas Coimbra, represented by its Innovation Department, participated in the Webinar of Introduction of the Guidelines for Compliance with Ethical Standards, developed by the European funding program AAL. The invitation came in the context of one of the projects in which the entity is involved: DIANA. DIANA project (financed by the European AAL program, […]

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Cáritas Coimbra participated in the virtual meeting and workshop of the Improving Guidance and Counselling in Adult Learning project (IGCAL), on February 9th and 11th, 2021. The consortium meeting, the first in 2021, aimed to discuss the results of the testing phase of the 1st version of the project’s pedagogical tool and working on the development of […]

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Active, autonomous and healthy ageing is one of the main challenges arising from Europe’s demographic change, so Cáritas Coimbra is currently participating in the European project VALUECARE – “Value-Based Methodology for Integrated Care supported by ICT” (2019-2023). The project is funded by the European Union research and innovation programme Horizon 2020, under the grant agreement nº […]

Notícias, Notícias CDC 0

Pharaon – Pilots for Healthy and Active Ageing aims to develop integrated platforms that will provide personalized and optimized health and social care, maintaining the dignity of older people and increasing their independence, security, capacities and stimulating their interest in urban natural areas nearby, as well as active participation in preserving the environment. To this […]

Notícias, Notícias CDC 0

The Workshop “Open service platforms in the Active and Healthy Ageing domain” will take place on February 25, 2021 (2:00 pm to 3:45 pm) (online), and is organised by Cáritas Diocesana de Coimbra (CDC), represented by its Innovation Department under the project (financed by Horizon 2020).   This event is aimed at end-users, technology suppliers, research entities, carers and policymakers, and […]

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On the 25th of January, the Triplo D team (Cáritas de Coimbra project) promoted an awareness session with the people living in the residential home – Casa S. José with the support of the DAPAS application, thus scaling up the implementation of AAL solutions. The DAPAS application allows the project’s participants to keep in touch […]

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The Triplo D Project (Caritas Coimbra) participated in the Caritas Europa Innovation Festival on January 15th. This was an event organized by Caritas Europa in collaboration with Caritas Austria. With about 45 registrations from 23 countries, Triplo D was selected to participate in this Innovation festival, where Ana Goreti Oliveira represented the institution and shared some of […]

Notícias, Notícias CDC 0

The Triplo D Project (Caritas Coimbra) was selected to participate in the Caritas Europa Innovation Festival on January 15th. This is a virtual event organized by Caritas Europa. The objective is to present new projects and services developed across Europe, to showcase the different innovative initiatives, and enable the exchange of successful experiences. In truth, to inspire […]

Notícias, Notícias CDC 0

In October and November 2020, Cáritas Coimbra conducted the tests of the first version of the pedagogical tool of the IGCAL Project – Improving Guidance and Counselling in Adult Learning, at its Inclusion Community Centre (CCI). This tool aims to map background learning parameters of adult learners, to expand and develop the skills of educators […]

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