
Cáritas Coimbra is collaborating with the European Covenant on Demographic Change in the organization of a webinar that will take place on the 12th of March 2021

The European Covenant on Demographic Change, of which the Cáritas Coimbra is part, has been placing demographics high on the EU policy agenda. In June 2020, the Covenant presented a report on the impact of the demographic change, setting out its key facts and likely impacts. As a result of this report, a Green Paper on Ageing has been published which will be taken forward for debate and open public consultation until April 21, 2021.

A webinar will be held to present the methodology and the European Green Paper on Ageing. This will help to clarify some points about the Green Paper and encourage greater participation from every member of society. Cáritas Coimbra, as part of the Covenant, is collaborating in the organization of this webinar, in which it will be able to participate on March 12, 2021, around 11 am through the link

The Covenant is open to all public authorities and legally established organizations based in the EU and associated countries operating in the area of age-friendly environments.

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