This page presents the main results of the European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing (EIP-AHA) privacy preferences collaborative work between Action Group C2 and D4 in the spring of 2018 on Privacy Preference Terms in Active and Healthy Ageing (AHA).
User preferences on privacy settings are meant to be complementary to data protection laws, like the European Union’s General Data Protection Directive in Europe (Directive 2016/6791). This Directive (EU) regulates the processing by an individual, a company or an organisation of personal data relating to individuals in the EU. It does not apply to the processing of personal data of deceased persons or of legal entities. GDPR rules also do not apply to data processed by an individual for purely personal reasons or for activities carried out in one’s home, provided there is no connection to a professional or commercial activity. When an individual uses personal data outside the personal sphere, for socio-cultural or financial activities, for example, then the data protection law has to be respected.
The EIP-AHA Privacy Preferences do not intend to replace or overlap these legislative rules, but to work as a useful tool to collect the user’s will on how their data are processed across application and platform borders. This means that a user’s personal privacy settings may further restrict a system’s data processing capabilities, even beyond what data protection laws would allow. On the other side, data protection laws must always be observed, disregarding a user’s personal preferences on privacy.
This set of 31 privacy preference terms (called EIP-AHA Privacy Preference Terms) is based on a set of 15 AHA use cases, assembled by the working group from various sources. Each EIP-AHA Privacy Preference Term addresses a specific privacy setting that occurs in one or multiple use cases. In determining a user’s preferred collection of privacy settings, a system has to ask the user some relevant “privacy setup questions”, or let the user choose between a set of pre-defined privacy settings (e.g. represented as personas), or both.
Gabriela Candea (Ropardo)
Giorgia Codato (ISRAA)
Carina Dantas (Caritas Coimbra)
Francisco Flórez-Revuelta (Universidad de Alicante, Spain)
Javier Ganzarain (AGE Platform Europe)
Estelle Huchet (AGE Platform Europe)
Ana Jegundo (Caritas Coimbra)
Stefan Kamin (University of Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany)
Nicolai Koblyakov (Senior Group, Paris)
Giorgos Kostopoulos (Gluk Advice BV, The Netherlands)
Juan Montalvá (UPM, Spain)
Oscar Zanutto (ISRAA)
Gottfried Zimmermann (Stuttgart Media University, Germany)
You may consult all relevant documents here:
EIP-AHA Privacy Preference Terms – Public Results
EIP-AHA Privacy Preference Terms – Flyer
EIP-AHA Privacy Preference Terms – PPT presentation
Other relevant information available in https://gpii.eu/eip-aha-privacy-preferences
PRIVACY PREFERENCES FOR AHA | Webinar 20 September 2018
Presentation of CW1 of the EIP-AHA – Privacy Preference terms for AHA in Manchester
Cáritas Coimbra participates in two sessions of the Conference of Partners in Brussels
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