Category Archives: Notícias
On October 1st, Carina Dantas, Cáritas Coimbra’s Innovation Department Director, was a speaker at the Round Table on the theme “Ageing and Daily Mobility”, promoted by the Faculty of Letters of the University of Coimbra (FLUC). Carina Dantas, representing the institution, shared with the audience and the other speakers ideas and challenges around the theme, […]
On October 11th, Cáritas Coimbra will attend the AAL Austria Program Conference “Active and Assisted Living (AAL) and its practical applications” at the invitation of the AAL National Contact Point for Austria. This conference takes place at the 1st Annual Congress of the Network for Gerontology, which will take place from October 10th to 12th, in Austria. […]
Cáritas Coimbra was present at the official launch of the EU_SHAFE (Europe Enabling Smart Healthy Age-Friendly Environments) project, which took place in Aarhus, Denmark, on September 23rd, during the AAL Forum 2019. This project is co-financed by INTERREG Europe Programme and led by the Provincial Council of Bizkaia. Cáritas Coimbra is one of the 10 […]
At the invitation of the Polish company TZMO and its representative in Portugal – Talinamed, Cáritas Coimbra went to the city of Torun, in Poland, to attend the 22nd International Long-Term Care Conference, which took place from 18th to 20th September. Pedro Rualde (Head Nurse) and José Figueiredo were representing Cáritas Coimbra at this conference, […]
Cáritas Coimbra, represented by Carina Dantas, Innovation Department Director, attended the EIT Health Think Tank 2019, on September 19th, in Sintra at Glintt – Global Intelligent Technologies. In the last years, there has been a fast evolution in the field of medical and healthcare technology products, bringing a new approach to health and wellness practices. […]
Cáritas Coimbra kick-off its most recent project – Triplo D (Democracy, Demography and Human Rights), on September 19, at the institution’s headquarters. The event was attended by distinguished guests who helped to realize the importance of developing projects of this nature, enriching the day of the dozens of people in the audience. The Opening Session […]
Cáritas Coimbra attended the consortium meeting of the AVIK cultural exchange and social inclusion project in Valencia – Spain, from 4-6 September. The meeting’s agenda focused on the presentation of the project’s website and Facebook page, as well as the exchange of information on the implementation of each parter’s future tasks. Flávia Rodrigues, from the […]
TriploD (Democracy, Demography and Human Rights) is the name of the new project of Cáritas Coimbra, which will be implemented, having as partners the European Centre for Women and Technology (Norway), Instituto Europeu de Ciências da Cultura Padre Manuel Antunes and Agrupamento de Escolas da Lousã. This project is co-financed by the PROGRAMA CIDADÃOS ATIV@S / ACTIVE CITIZENS […]
(Des)Igual project, by Caritas Coimbra, exceeded all expectations and covered 13060 people in total. When launched in March 2017, it was expected to benefit 4183 people, which would already be a positive result. This project stood out for its transversal and diversified coverage. Workshops/sessions on gender equality awareness and prevention of domestic violence included various […]
Cáritas Coimbra will Chair workshop 29 – Ethics, data and privacy protection: who will take responsibility and how we proceed to a common framework for IT-AHA in Europe? In the AAL Forum 2019 – Aarhus, Denmark. New ICT solutions aim to take care of people who are older, sometimes fragile and most of the time […]