Category Archives: Notícias

Measuring the quality of life and well-being of older people is a huge challenge, as digital technologies emerge every day that find new ways to measure it. All the while, researchers further develop new methods, scales and surveys to assess this topic. The article was led by the Innovation Department of Cáritas Coimbra and is […]

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Within the scope of  VALUECARE European project (financed by the Horizon 2020 Program), whose consortium brings together 17 European partners from 8 different countries, Caritas Coimbra hosted the VALUECARE project 5th plenary meeting, coordinated by the Erasmus Medical Centre (The Netherlands). Due to the current pandemic context across Europe, this event – initially planned as […]

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NET4Age-Friendly just hosted the second webinar! This was regarding the Green Paper on Ageing and the open ongoing consultation, featuring the European Commission Policy Officer Irina Kalderon-Libal and moderated by Carina Dantas on the past 16th of March. The European Commission published a green paper to start a broad policy debate on the challenges and […]

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Cáritas Coimbra will participate in a workshop aiming to discuss the co-creation process and the involvement of end-users in the development of technological solutions for older people. This initiative takes places within the COST Action Goodbrother. The workshop will be led by Willeke van Staalduinen, co-founder of AFEdemy, and Natália Machado, a member of the […]

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Cáritas Coimbra will participate in the virtual international conference on Urban Mobility and Smart Ageing that will take place from April 22 to 24, 2021. The event program is available and registration is now open to the general public here: The COVID-19 pandemic has given rise to new challenges that will define the “new […]

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NET4Age-Friendly has open the applications for short-term scientific missions (STSM) and ITC conference grants for COST Action researchers and countries. STSM are institutional visits aimed at supporting individual mobility, fostering collaboration between individuals. They shall have a minimum duration of 5 calendar days, including travel. The call for applications remains open for the duration of […]

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The second version of the DAPAS system was just given to users from nursing homes and home services that participate in the project, following all the safety and hygiene measures.   In the last few months, the team from the Innovation Department at Cáritas Coimbra worked, in collaboration with the technical partners, in implementing the […]

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NET4Age-Friendly started in October 2020 and aims to establish local or regional ecosystems in each country involved, to work on health and well-being in an age-friendly digital world, all combined in an inclusive environment. These ecosystems include citizens, public authorities, businesses/NGOs and researchers. It is divided in four thematic groups: User-centred inclusive design; Integrated health and […]

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Cáritas Coimbra held an online information session for Escola Superior de Educação de Coimbra (ESEC), Coimbra Education School, on March 25. The project’s techinicians Ana Goreti Oliveira and Joana Carvalho guided the session entitled “A path in the construction of inclusive and participatory environments” (in portuguese, Um caminho na construção de ambientes inclusivos e participativos). The aim […]

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Cáritas Coimbra is participating in the multidisciplinary ActiVas Project.  The 1st Plenary Meeting was held on February 24th after the project kick-off meeting. This meeting was held online with all partners involved in the project and the aim of the project was to discuss the developed work during the first semester of the project, from […]

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