Category Archives: Notícias
Between 18 and 20 June 2021, the first edition of CASSINI Hackathon’s held, an initiative of the European Commission that “seeks candidates to develop innovative solutions for green spaces through the use of spatial data, contributing to a more digital and sustainable Europe”. Cáritas Coimbra was partner of this initiative contributing as coordinator of the large-scale pilot of the Pharaon project, under […]
The IDIH week (International collaboration Digital Transformation Healthy Ageing week) is a 4 days online event dedicated to researchers, innovators, care providers and users associations dealing with Digital Health for Active and Healthy Ageing (AHA). This IDIH Week integrated information, networking & matchmaking, and co-creation sessions among all the key stakeholders of digital solutions for AHA […]
Pharaon project – Pilots for Healthy and Active Ageing intends to develop integrated platforms that allow personalized and optimized care in terms of health and social care. It intends to maintain the dignity of older people and foster their independence and functional ability for as long as possible. Pharaon’s integrated platforms will be validated in two […]
In the scope of the Smartwork project, Cáritas Coimbra contributed to the article “Benefits and Hurdles of AI In The Workplace – What Comes Next?” that was published in the International Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems (IJAE) this week. This paper addresses how technology applied to the work environment can be leveraged to […]
As part of the European project PHARAON (financed by the Horizon 2020 Program), the project’s Ethics Board, chaired by Caritas Coimbra, met on the 19th May. Pharaon Ethics Board is composed by representatives from each of the 6 large-scale pilots to be implemented at the end of the current year, 8 experts external to the […]
The European Covenant on Demographic Change is happy to launch its new webinar session THE GRASSROOT EXPERIENCE DURING COVID19 | ENABLERS AND CHALLENGES. Organised for the Covenant by Caritas Coimbra, in collaboration with SHINE 2Europe and the ECHAlliance, it will take place on June 1st, at 11:30 CET, hosted by Joan Martin and Carina […]
NET4Age-Friendly advocates for inclusive environments and promotion of autonomy. However, mobile apps and smart homes and sensors are rapidly evolving and the functionalities they offer get increasingly more efficient, which raises justified concerns. How can we ensure they are safe, secure and packed with healthy goodness? From the standardisation perspective, Petra Hoogendoorn will explain us how […]
Last May 14, Cáritas Coimbra participated in the first meeting of the Advisory Board of the VALUECARE project (funded by the Horizon 2020 Programme and coordinated by Erasmus Medical Center – The Netherlands). Sofia Ortet, a member of the Caritas Coimbra’s Innovation Department, participated in the online meeting that was chaired by Mona Khalid, Chair […]
DAPAS project aims to provide an innovative solution based on the needs of older people and their caregivers. The role of Caritas Coimbra is to develop the Portuguese pilot, in which the efficiency and acceptance of the DAPAS system are being tested with 40 users, and to organize and lead the meetings of the User […]
The first online technical assessment of the project took place on April 16, 2021. This review brought together the efforts of the 12 entities that make up the consortium, which includes Cáritas Coimbra, coordinated by SYNYO GmbH. During the evaluation, all the work carried out in the last months was presented to the various […]