Category Archives: Notícias CDC

Last Wednesday, May 31st, Cáritas Coimbra was in Brussels, for the Mid Term Review (MTR) of the AGAPE project, as one of the AGAPE pilot sites and responsible for the AGAPE Ethical Committee. The MTR of the project was an opportunity for the AGAPE consortium to present to the reviewers the progress and results the […]

Notícias, Notícias CDC 0

The Pharaon Plenary Meeting took place in Malaga (Spain) from May 9th to 11th. This consortium meeting aimed to present the developments of the work carried out in recent months, reflect on the most emerging issues, and outline objectives and tasks for the coming months. Cáritas Coimbra (CDC) was represented by two project managers from […]

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The ValueCare European project consortium met in Athens (Greece) for its 10th plenary meeting. The meeting took place on 20th and 21st April, at the Athens Medical Grοup headquarters, and was attended by all the project partners, including Cáritas Coimbra, which was represented by Bruna Franceschini and Maria Inês Santos from the Innovation Department. Over […]

Notícias, Notícias CDC 0

Today Cáritas Coimbra launches the video of the ALLright(s) – Direitos para tod@s (ALLright(s) – Rights for all), which intends to share some of the activities developed and disseminate the project’s mission: to make the target groups more aware, responsible, and active in the fight against discrimination and violation of human rights. “We want to […]

Notícias CDC 0

During March and April, Cáritas Coimbra and the Instituto Pedro Nunes (IPN) promoted events to present the Digital Life Learning project to older adults. This project aims to develop a toolkit and training sessions to increase older adults’ digital skills, with the active collaboration of young university students. During the sessions the project’s main goals […]

Notícias, Notícias CDC 0

On the 3rd, 4th and 5th of April, iHomeLab, in Horw (Luzern, Switzerland), hosted the AAL4ALL project partners for another Consortium Meeting and the Mid-Term Project Review. Cáritas Coimbra was represented by project manager Ângela Pinto. During this 3-day meeting, partners prepared for the interim evaluation of the project and together reflected on how the […]

Notícias, Notícias CDC 0

On March 31, Cáritas Coimbra attended the 3rd Transnational Meeting of the European project PHILIP, in Vigo (Spain). During the meeting, the tasks and activities carried out so far were presented and discussed, as well as the main conclusions of the Transnational Report, assuming it as a guiding basis for the following activities. The preparation […]

Notícias, Notícias CDC 0

On 21 March, Cáritas Coimbra attended the second transnational meeting of the European project SUST-AID, which took place in Vienna, Austria. This meeting brought together the members of the consortium, with the purpose of presenting and discussing the results achieved so far. One of the focus points was the elaboration of the Methodological Guide for […]

Notícias, Notícias CDC 0

One day after the distinctive policy-making event at European Parliament, which took place on March 7, IDEAHL project partners got together for the General Assembly and Consortium Meeting in Brussels, Belgium. Cáritas Coimbra was present as a member of the consortium. One of the goals of the IDEAHL project is to improve health outcomes by […]

Notícias, Notícias CDC 0

The EU_SHAFE project, kicked off in 2019, is in its final stretch. Earlier this week, the city of Bilbao (Bizkaia – Spain) hosted the final event of the project, which was used to retrace the valuable exchange of good practices between the 6 participating European regions: Coimbra (Portugal), Bizkaia (Spain), Aarhus (Denmark), Louth (Ireland), Hamburg […]

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