Category Archives: Notícias CDC

On July 11th, the “Pervasive games for integration – International Workshop” was held in Bari, Italy, organised by the Universitá degli Studi di Bari Aldo Moro. Cáritas Coimbra, represented by Ana Goreti Oliveira and Ângela Rodrigues, was part of panel 2, #FOCUS2: The PG4I Project: an international network (France | Portugal), where it had the […]

Notícias, Notícias CDC 0

On June 28th, took place in the Parque Verde do Mondego, Coimbra, the closing event of the groups “Youth in Action” from the youth residential home of Semide and the Leisure Activity Centre of Carapinheira.  During the afternoon, there were several sports and educational activities, with the special participation of Bruna Catarino, Designer at Cáritas […]

Notícias, Notícias CDC 0

Last week Cáritas Coimbra started the field trial of the AAL4ALL European research project, beginning with the installation of Smart home devices for care monitoring, in the houses of our primary end-users. In total, four European countries will test the functionalities of the AAL4ALLL Digital Solution in about 70 homes, monitoring daily activities and other […]

Notícias, Notícias CDC 0

On June 7th took place in Fernando Namora Secondary School, the closing event of the group “Youth in Action” of Condeixa-a-Nova, created in the scope of the ALLright(s) project. Throughout the morning there were sports and educational activities, with the special participation of Bruna Catarino, Designer at Cáritas de Coimbra and Rui Martins, Sensei at […]

Notícias, Notícias CDC 0

Last June 2nd, the group “Youth in Action”, from Carapinheira (Montemor-o-Velho, Coimbra), presented to the educational community the final work done in the scope of the ALLright(s) – Direitos para tod@s project, from Cáritas Coimbra. This group, composed by young people from the Doutor José dos Santos Bessa Elementary School, made a public presentation in […]

Notícias, Notícias CDC 0

On June 14th, the PHILIP partners met in Vilnius, Lithuania, for the fourth consortium meeting of the project. All partner entities participated including Cáritas Coimbra, represented by Ana Goreti Oliveira and Vera Pinto, from the Innovation Department. PHILIP is finalising the manual “Education for Health: Innovative Approaches to Enhancing Youth Health Literacy” aimed at education […]

Notícias, Notícias CDC 0

At Cáritas Coimbra, the activities of the IDEAHL project continue to be exciting! Over the past few weeks, three workshops were held for the development of the Atlas of Health Literacy. The Atlas aims to be an interactive tool to make public the results of the broad literature review carried out within the scope of […]

Notícias, Notícias CDC 0

After the COVID-19 pandemic and the outbreak of war in Ukraine, Cáritas Coimbra, together with partners from four other countries, is confident that food aid programmes should be improved and should strive to be as sustainable to ensure equal access to healthy and high-quality food for all. Sustainability in food production and food aid chains […]

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During April and May, Cáritas Coimbra and the Instituto Pedro Nunes promoted 4 events to present the DigiLife – Digital Life Learning project to higher education students. The sessions took place at the Faculty of Psychology and Education Sciences of the University of Coimbra, at the Miguel Torga Institute of Higher Education, and at the […]

Notícias, Notícias CDC 0

Cáritas Coimbra participated in a pilot study to assess the usability and feasibility of a Physical Activity Prescription System (SPAF), characterised as a programme that allows older people aged 60 or over to perform physical training under prescription and clinical monitoring. The action was promoted in partnership with the University of Aveiro and arose under […]

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