
Start of the AAL4ALL Field Trials in Portugal

Last week Cáritas Coimbra started the field trial of the AAL4ALL European research project, beginning with the installation of Smart home devices for care monitoring, in the houses of our primary end-users.

In total, four European countries will test the functionalities of the AAL4ALLL Digital Solution in about 70 homes, monitoring daily activities and other aspects such as humidity, temperature and CO2 levels, with the aim of developing a system capable of sending notifications to the care providers in the event of anomalies.

The Innovation Department of Cáritas Coimbra would like to thank all the residents and family members who agreed to be part of this project, because only in this way, together, is it possible to create a better future for older people.


If you are a family member of an older adult user of Cáritas Coimbra, and you are interested in participating in this project, please contact the Innovation Department by e-mail or by telephone +351 239792430.


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