
Cáritas Coimbra helps create a Global Atlas of Literacies for Health

The Global Atlas of Literacies for Health is out! This Global Atlas is the result of a joint effort between several European organisations, including Cáritas Coimbra. As part of the IDEAHL project, an interactive map has been developed with the results of an extensive research carried out by the partners in the field of health literacy, digital health literacy and good practices in the area. This is an open access tool and has been developed for computer or tablet.

This Atlas is the result of months of intense work, led by RMIT University – based in Australia and its innovation hub located in Europe – which coordinated several co-creation meetings with partners to define the functionalities, layout, interface, and usability. It is one of the first online tools that presents interactive data visualizing levels of health literacy and digital health literacy from studies carried out with citizens, patients, and health professionals around the world.

The international team working on the IDEAHL research project analysed more than 12,000 studies and examples of good practice on the matter. The sample was then narrowed down to around 450 examples of best practice from the last five years.

RMIT researchers worked with the geospatial mapping company dMap to consolidate and visualize the complex data into an easily accessible interactive map with raw data and a list of best practice and policy resources that can be used by anyone and is intended to be supplemented in the future with other themes and results from other locations around the world.

Cáritas Coimbra is flattered to have taken an active part in this groundbreaking action, being the only Portuguese representative in the consortium and having participated in every stage of the preparation of this Global Atlas, from the analysis and selection of thousands of studies on which to base this research to its co-creation. So be sure to check out this tool by clicking on the links below:

The Global Atlas of Literacies for Health (GALH) – RMIT University

GALH: Global Atlas of Literacies for Health


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