Category Archives: Notícias CDC

For two weeks, from 22 August to 2 September, Cáritas Coimbra is on exchange in the Belgian capital – Brussels, under the LIFEBOTS Exchange project. During this period, Elisabete Pitarma, from the Innovation Department of Cáritas Coimbra, is being hosted at EHTEL – Collaborating for Digital Health and Care in Europe to carry out her […]

Notícias, Notícias CDC 0

The Innovation Department of Cáritas Coimbra is continuing the recruitment phase for the ValueCare project pilot. In this first stage, the team is delivering tablets to the participants (people over 65, with little social and family support and at risk of social isolation), in order to later install the digital solution ValueCare. In the last […]

Notícias, Notícias CDC 0

ALLright(s) – Direitos para tod@s (ALLright(s) – Rights for all) is the new project of the Cáritas Coimbra. It has started in June 2022. The project aims to raise awareness and empower children and young people, from pre-school to secondary school, in the fields of human rights education, diversity, interculturality, gender awareness and gender equality […]

Notícias, Notícias CDC 0

From 5 to 7 July, Cáritas Coimbra was in Izola, Slovenia, participating in the plenary meeting of the large scale project Pharaon. During these three days, the consortium debated the project’s developments, with special focus on the pilot implementation phase, which is now beginning. Representing Cáritas Coimbra was Elisabete Pitarma, from the Innovation Department, who […]

Notícias, Notícias CDC 0

The pilot of the DIANA project is taking place at Santo António Nursing Home (Cáritas Coimbra’s social response), within the scope of the AAL Programme. This project is already in its test phase, which consists of installing sensors in bedrooms and bathrooms in order to enable the detection of falls, as well as providing relevant […]

Notícias, Notícias CDC 0

On June 22nd, Cáritas Coimbra hosted the kick-off meeting for the European project PHILIP – Protection of Health by Increasing the Health Literacy of Pupils. The project consortium met all day long in Coimbra, Portugal, mainly discussing the action plan and the allocation of tasks. The meeting was attended by the 6 partner entities of […]

Notícias, Notícias CDC 0

The recruitment of participants for the intervention and control groups of the ValueCare project has already started! During the visit to the Portuguese pilot by the project’s international partners at the end of June, the first tablets on which the ValueCare application will be effectively installed were delivered. The application will consist of a system, […]

Notícias, Notícias CDC 0

On the 21st of June, Cáritas Coimbra received the international partners of the ValueCare project, so that they could get to know the context in which the large-scale Portuguese pilot is being implemented.  The international team was represented by Erasmus Medical Centre, from the Netherlands, in the person of project coordinator Hein Raat and project […]

Notícias, Notícias CDC 0

On June 8th, the SUST-AID kick-off meeting was held in Warsaw, Poland. This project aims to fill current gaps and needs in knowledge, training and skills by developing and evaluating a training programme for the delivery of sustainable food aid programmes. SUST-AID is funded by the European Union’s Erasmus+ Programme and is partnered by 6 […]

Notícias, Notícias CDC 0

Cáritas Coimbra, through its Department of Innovation, has launched another recruitment for the large-scale pilot of which it is part of the Pharaon project. On June 21st, tablets began to be distributed on which the project’s technology will be tested by users of Cáritas Coimbra services. Pharaon aims to support the active aging of the […]

Notícias, Notícias CDC 0
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