Category Archives: Notícias SHAFE

The Thematic Network Smart Healthy Age Friendly Environments (TN SHAFE), coordinated by Cáritas Coimbra and AFEdemy and assigned by the European Commission (DG SANTE) cordially invites you to participate in an online survey. The survey is an essential part of the Thematic Network 2018 SHAFE. The purpose of SHAFE is to define a common position […]

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The first webinar of SHAFE took place on 19 June, at 4pm CET There were 41 participants present and the programme was the following: Introduction Mr Giulio Gallo, Deputy Head of Unit, Country Knowledge and Scientific Committees (C2, DG SANTE), European Commission.   Presentation of Smart Healthy Age Friendly Environments Consortium, context, challenges, objectives Carina […]

Notícias, Notícias SHAFE, Sem categoria 0

Smart Healthy Age-Friendly Environments (SHAFE) is the new Thematic Network led by Caritas Coimbra and AFEdemy Ltd, that was approved by the European Commission for 2018. The Network kick-off meeting was held on 10 April, at the European Commission premises in Brussels, and was attended by EC representatives and the coordinators of the 3 selected networks […]

Notícias SHAFE, Sem categoria 0

Caritas Coimbra, with AFEdemy Lda, will coordinate one of the three Thematic Networks of the European Commission for 2018, with the theme Smart Healthy Age-Friendly Environments. This proposal was presented as a strategic initiative for a joint declaration in 2018. Ten proposals were voted until December 7th in the European Union Health Policy Platform, Cáritas’ one was […]

Notícias, Notícias CDC, Notícias SHAFE 0

Cáritas Coimbra, with the support of AFEdemy Ltd., presented the Smart Healthy-Friendly Environments proposal as a strategic initiative for a joint declaration in 2018… Continue reading    

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EUROCITIES members are stepping up their work on urban ageing, learning from one another how to best address the demographic challenge their cities is facing… Continue reading  

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