The SUST-AID project aims to fill current gaps and needs in knowledge, training, and skills through sustainable food aid programmes. Following on from this, the project aims to developing and evaluating a training programme adjusted to real needs of the organizations. These, including NGOs, welfare organizations and faith-based organizations aspire to be empowered with practical knowledge and tools to provide optimal and sustainable food aid programmes to vulnerable populations across Europe.
SUST-AID is funded by the European Union’s Erasmus+ Programme and is partnered by 6 European entities Cáritas Coimbra from Portugal (1), Prolepsis Civil Law Non Profit Organization of Preventive Environmental and Occupational Medicine from Greece (1), ISEKI-Food Association from Austria (1), CSI Center for Social Innovation LTD from Cyprus (1), The Polish Farm Advisory and Training Centre not for-profit Sp. z o. o., and Federacja Polskich Banków Żywności from Poland (2).
Main tasks of CDC in the project
- Cáritas Coimbra will be involved in all phases of project implementation and all intellectual outputs;
- Cáritas Coimbra will lead the C1 training event in Portugal and the 4th project meeting (04/2024);
- Cáritas Coimbra will participate in the EU symposium in Brussels (01/2025) and C2 training event in Poland (08/2024);
- Cáritas Coimbra will participate in the active dissemination of the project results (all) and organize a National Info Day in Portugal (02/2025);
- Cáritas Coimbra will also lead the evaluation of the whole project.
Project name: SUST-AID – Environmentally Sustainable Food Aid programs in Europe: Vocational educational training for strengthening capacities and program delivery
Project Acronym: SUST-AID
Start date: 01/03/2022
End date: 01/03/2025
Total Budget: (not just the Cáritas Coimbra, but the entire project) 327 697.00 EUR.
Project Coordinator: The Polish Farm Advisory and Training Centre not-for-profit Sp. z o. o.,
- The Polish Farm Advisory and Training Centre notfor-profit Sp. z o. o., Poland
- PROLEPSIS Civil Law Non Profit Organization of Preventive Environmental and Occupational, Greece
- Cáritas Coimbra, Portugal
- Federacja Polskich Banków Żywności, Poland
- ISEKI-Food Association, Austria
This project is funded by the Erasmus+ Programme, KA220-VET – Cooperation partnerships in vocational education and training, with agreement number 2021-2-PL01-KA220-VET-000048821.
The European Commission’s support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
Cáritas Coimbra participated in the kickoff meeting of the SUST-AID project