Oficially started on August 2019, the EU_SHAFE project aims at improving policies and practices in 7 European regions by developing a comprehensive approach to Smart Healthy Age-Friendly Environments (SHAFE).
Through a ‘learning by sharing’ methodology, the project Consortium, composed by a well balanced group of multi-disciplinary actors leaders in the field of demographic change and age friendly environments, will build a four-helix European community to exchange experiences and practices to improve multilevel policy instruments. The consortium will create a cooperative, inclusive ecosystem between public authorities, European networks and user’s associations, embedding their experience and skills with research & design knowledge from academia and SMEs for the growth of community-based services and “ageing at home” around Europe.
EU_SHAFE will invest in policy formulation and adaptation of regional instruments derived from ETCF (R & I priorities) and ESF (Social Inclusion), through the creation of a large Euro-local network of actors who will work together in ecosystems towards a common model – a White Paper on SHAFE. It will also select and redesign concrete and scalable social innovation interventions for SHAFE, which can be implemented as realistic innovative models for the future.
EU-SHAFE’s objectives are:
Challenge and change the thinking and action of political decision-makers and the main actors in the participating regions in relation to the well-being of citizens of all ages and the creation of inclusive and appropriate environments for active aging, based on a logic of social participation.
Promote visibility and prioritize the inclusion in society of people of all ages, for the creation of inclusive ecosystems in the participating regions, among the various types of intervening organizations (stakeholders), namely, from the public and private forums
Communicate and disseminate the results and the new knowledge generated through the project, in addition to reinforcing international cooperation between all sectors of society.
In Portugal, the project’s associated entities are CCDRC, ARS Centro and the National Association of Portuguese Municipalities.
More information about the project can be found on the EU_SHAFE website or following the official project hashtag #EU_SHAFE.
- Exchange of experiences
- Communication and Dissemination
- Project management
Project Name: EU_SHAFE
Project Acronym: EU_SHAFE
Start date: 01/08/2019
End date: 31/08/2022
Total Budget: 172 250,00€
Project Coordinator: Provincial Council of Bizkaia / Município da Bizkaia
- Caritas Coimbra (Portugal)
- Campania Region (Italy)
- Development Centre of the Heart of Slovenia (Slovenia)
- Center for Assisted Living Technology – Aarhus Municipality (Denmark)
- Technological University Dublin (Ireland)
- ECHAlliance (Ireland)
- University of Deusto (Spain)
- Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg (Germany)
- Ministry of Health and Consumer Protection (Germany)
- Louth County Council (Ireland)
Website: https://www.interregeurope.eu/eushafe/
This project received funding from the Interreg Europe program, financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).
The Interreg Europe program is designed to support policy learning among relevant political organizations, with a view to improving the performance of regional development policies and programs. It allows regional and local public authorities and other stakeholders of regional relevance across Europe to exchange practices and ideas on how public policies work and thus find solutions to improve their strategies for their own citizens.
Press Release_Inter-regional policy learning event Slovenia_Domain 3
Press Release 2nd Intense Sharing of Good Practices – Louth
The main events of EU_SHAFE during its third semester |Press release
Campania Inter-Regional Policy Learning – Workshop | Press Release
EU-SHAFE – ASSESSMENT REPORT | Europe with Bizkaia
2019 | NEWS
Event dedicated to the EU’s Research and Innovation programmes had Cáritas Coimbra as a speaker
Cáritas Coimbra organizes second part of the 1st EU_SHAFE Project Stakeholders Meeting
Cáritas Coimbra promoted 1st LAG meeting of the EU_SHAFE project
Cáritas Coimbra participation in AAL Forum 2019
2020 | NEWS
Cáritas Coimbra will participate as a keynote speaker at the DSAI 2020 conference
Event dedicated to the EU’s Research and Innovation programmes had Cáritas Coimbra as a speaker
Cáritas Coimbra with active participation in the Coimbra Sustainability Summit 2020
Cáritas Coimbra coordinates the 2nd Stakeholders Meeting of the project EU_SHAFE
Cáritas Coimbra organizes the 2nd Stakeholders meeting of the EU_SHAFE project
Cáritas Coimbra participated in the EU_SHAFE Campania Inter-Regional Policy Learning Workshop
2021 | NEWS
The main events of EU_SHAFE during its third semester
Cáritas Coimbra received valuable stakeholders for the EU_SHAFE project
Cáritas Coimbra hosted the 4th Interregional Policy Learning Meeting of the EU_SHAFE Project