Active, autonomous and healthy aging is one of the main challenges arising from Europe’s demographic evolution. The VALUECARE project intends to create an efficient model of integrated social and health care, aimed at improving the quality of life of older people (and their families) affected by cognitive decline, frailty, vulnerability conditions or multiple comorbidities. In this sense, it aims to contribute to the sustainability of the European social and health systems, as well as to the satisfaction and well-being of professionals working in these areas. This vision of integrated care, based on the added value generated by it, will be applied in a robust, secure and widely expandable digital solution, which will be tested and evaluated through 7 large-scale pilots in Europe (Portugal, Italy, Greece, Spain, Croatia, Netherlands, Ireland), based on a methodology developed by the project partners, in collaboration with the project’s end users.
In short, VALUECARE proposes to achieve greater efficiency in the use of resources and in the coordination of social and health care, in a context that generates confidence both in users and in policy makers, when it comes to the access, protection, sharing and standardization of personal data, with replication potential in the EU.
In ValueCare, CDC will lead the task of establishing ethical protocols, according to the previously defined ethical plan. Through the project’s Ethics Committee, the guidelines will be provided to the consortium partners, as well as the documents to be used in activities involving external participants, throughout the project’s implementation, which will then be duly translated and adapted to the respective national each one.
Project Name: Value-Based Methodology for Integrated Care supported by ICT
Project Acronym: ValueCare Project
Start date: 01/01/2019
End date: 31/12/2022
Total Budget: 6 116 238 €
Project Coordinator : Erasmus Universitair Medisch Centrum Rotterdam (Emc)
- Erasmus Universitair Medisch Centrum Rotterdam (Emc)
- Vodafone Innovus Anonimi Etaireia Systimaton Epikoininias
- Aytomatismonkai Efarmagis Pliroforikis (Vi)
- Vidavo S.A. (Vidavo)
- Caritas Diocesana De Coimbra (Cdc)
- Azienda Unita Locale Socio Sanitaria N 2 Marca Trevigiana (Aulss2)
- Istituto Per Servizi Di Ricovero E Assistenza Agli Anziani (Israa)
- Sveuciliste U Rijeci, Medicinski Fakultet (Medri)
- Universitat De Valencia (Uveg)
- Iatriko Athinon Emporiki Anonymos Etaireia (Amc)
- Fundacion De La Comunitat Valenciana Para La Promocion Estrategica El Desarrollo Y La Innovacion Urbana (Las Naves)
- University College Dublin, National University Of Ireland, Dublin (Ucd)
- Echalliance Company Limited By Guarantee (Echa)
- Simahia Gia Tin Olokliromeni Frontida (Afic)
- Age Platform Europe (Age)
- Stichting International Foundationfor Integrated Care (Ific)
- Senior Europa Sociedad Limitada (Kvc)
Website: https://projectvaluecare.eu/
Funding for this research is provided by EU Horizon 2020 ValueCare Project ‘Value-Based Methodology for Integrated Care Supported by ICT’, Grant agreement no. 875215
ValueCare Generic leaflet – PT
Cáritas Coimbra met by videoconference with the ValueCare consortium
Caritas Coimbra meets with the ValueCare project consortium
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