
Cáritas Coimbra participates in a pilot study to evaluate a Physical Activity Prescription System (SPAF)

Cáritas Coimbra participated in a pilot study to assess the usability and feasibility of a Physical Activity Prescription System (SPAF), characterised as a programme that allows older people aged 60 or over to perform physical training under prescription and clinical monitoring. The action was promoted in partnership with the University of Aveiro and arose under the mobilising project ActiVas – Built Environments for an Active, Safe and Healthy Life.

The pilot study was conducted with several users and employees of Cáritas Coimbra and the results obtained will help identify the necessary improvements and thus optimize SPAF. This SPAF is a digital solution that promotes physical exercise, in a practical format to be implemented by health professionals, and particularly by physical therapists, with the aim of improving the quality of life, health, and functionality of older people.


The ActiVas project is a disruptive and diversified response to the challenges addressed by population ageing, one of the biggest challenges of today’s society, in terms of the environment and built spaces, and is funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), through the Research and Technological Development Incentive System, under the Operational Programme for Competitiveness and Internationalization of Portugal2020.


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