
European project pilot starts in Cáritas Coimbra

The recruitment of participants for the intervention and control groups of the ValueCare project has already started!

During the visit to the Portuguese pilot by the project’s international partners at the end of June, the first tablets on which the ValueCare application will be effectively installed were delivered.

The application will consist of a system, based on the principle of integrated care, which will encourage participants to share habits and routines regarding their well-being. Data will be collected and gathered in a dashboard with restricted access to the multidisciplinary support team, so that there will be the development of a personalised care plan.

The target group for this recruitment will be people who are aged 65 and over; are at risk of social isolation; do not have much socio-family support; are in a situation of frailty; have mild cognitive impairment; and suffer from any physical comorbidities.

In addition, the final recruitment will include professionals, stakeholders, IT experts, volunteers and formal and informal caregivers.

The ValueCare project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme, for more information visit the project website at:


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