
Cáritas Coimbra at the EU_SHAFE Project kick-off meeting

Cáritas Coimbra was present at the official launch of the EU_SHAFE (Europe Enabling Smart Healthy Age-Friendly Environments) project, which took place in Aarhus, Denmark, on September 23rd, during the AAL Forum 2019. This project is co-financed by INTERREG Europe Programme and led by the Provincial Council of Bizkaia.

Cáritas Coimbra is one of the 10 partners of the EU_SHAFE project. This project aims to improve policies and practices in 7 European regions by developing a comprehensive approach to Healthy, Intelligent and Friendly Environments (SHAFE).

At the launch meeting all partners, from 7 different EU countries, had the opportunity to define together the mission and operational plan of the project.

The consortium also worked to highlight the project goals, present their roles, responsibilities and plans for towards the goals’ accomplishment. It is composed by a well balanced group of actors leaders in the field of demographic change and age friendly environments, including five foremost regional organisations committed to investing in innovation for active and healthy ageing awarded with the Reference Sites status.

The meeting proved to be very productive for the partners that, guided by the Project Coordinator (the Provincial Council of Bizkaia), had the opportunity to particularly focus on how better align with and influence the regional policy instruments that include the Smart Healthy Age and Friendly Environments (SHAFE) field.

Throughout the day, the planning of the first twelve months of activities was developed, spotting light on the identification of key processes. This sharing has enabled European regions to understand how to effectively uptake good practices close-matching with their needs to improve multilevel policy instruments aimed at making cities and communities age-friendly.

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