
GrowMeUp promotes intergenerationality

At the facilities of the Rainha Santa Isabel Center, on January 19, a group of young people from social responses from Caritas in Coimbra had the opportunity to observe and interact with the robot GrowMu, in a real environment.

The youths observed the robot’s interactions with the older persons at the Day Care Center, asked questions, and learned more about the potential of this project.

This initiative was attended by the University of Coimbra. Also attending were the older persons and technicians from the S. Pedro Social Center and the N. Sra. Dos Milagres Center, as well as the Rainha Santa Isabel Center technical team.

GrowMeUp is a research project co-funded by the European Union under the Horizon 2020 funding program, whose main objective is to perfect and test an innovative robot, GrowMu, which aims to support people over 65 in their daily activities.

Eight partners from six different countries, led by the University of Coimbra, participate in this project (in addition to UC and Caritas Coimbra, the University of Geneva, Zuyderland, the University of Cyprus, PAL Robotics, ProBayes and Citard IT Services).














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