The “Nutrir À Grande” project is a food education project aimed at children and adolescents between 6 and 14 years old with economic and / or social needs, which aims at the transmission of knowledge and the acquisition of skills related to the practice of a healthy eating, using a collection of playful-pedagogical activities / structures “in a big way”.
“Nutrir À Grande” intends to hold food education sessions every 2 months, in the places where the children are (the materials and technicians go to the children). The sessions will be held by groups, depending on the age, in order to adapt the dynamics and language using, however, similar tools.
The frequency of holding the sessions is related to the number of beneficiaries that are intended to be covered by the project (n = 200) and the need to divide the participants into groups of 15 to 20 children / young people so that the activities are executable. In this way, 60 to 80 sessions (depending on the size of the groups) of food education are planned during the period of 1 year.
The project also includes the holding of food education sessions for parents / relatives / other caregivers of reference, in a perspective of dual intervention, promoting intergenerationality.
Children and adolescents between 6 and 14 years of age who benefit from the following CDC social responses:
Social Action Programs implemented in the municipality of Coimbra (Social Integration Insertion Protocol, Local Social Action Network and Social Support Center)
Children and Youth at Risk (Semide Youth Home (Miranda do Corvo) and Temporary Reception Center in Cernache)
Leisure Activities Center in the municipality of Coimbra (children and young people with identified economic needs)
Cáritas Coimbra coordinates the entire project at a technical, administrative and financial level.
Project Name: Nutrir À Grande
Project Acronym: Nutrir À Grande
Start date: 01/04/2019
End date: 31/03/2020
Total Budget: 11.863,00€
Project Coordinator: Cáritas Diocesana de Coimbra
This project received funding from the Jumbo Foundation for Youth.