This page presents the main results of the European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing (EIP-AHA) collaborative work between Action Group D4 and C2 – “Caregivers’ role in Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) development and exploitation for Age-Friendly Environments (AFE)”.
The document reflects the result of a collaboration between the members of the EIP-AHA C2/D4 Action Groups, that took place from April to July 2018, complemented by a public discussion that started at the AAL Forum 2018 and then conducted on-line until the end of October 2018. The document – referred as white paper – is the final report that lists good practices and proposes an approach for the involvement of caregivers in the development of innovative – ICT solutions for AFE. It aims to disseminate these best practices amongst authorities, NGOs and other relevant stakeholders, to promote its use and contribute to a better development of ICT-based solutions for AFE.
Gains in productivity, lower stress levels and a relieved burden in the work environment are some of the benefits technology can bring to caregivers’ lives. Their involvement and participation in the design and development of Age-related technological solutions through a co-creation process can relevantly impact on its successful route to the market.
The analysis of existing approaches and challenges around this theme led to the development of a methodology composed of a four-step list of actions that should be addressed during the life cycle of ICT development projects in order to maximize the engagement of caregivers at all stages of development until the product reaches the market. This easy-to-apply method can be used by different stakeholders during the development of new technological solutions and the validation of corresponding business models. The proposed guidelines do not require major adjustments to existing approaches but, by presenting a simple structure, can add significant benefits to the current practice and enhance the added value and market acceptance of the new solutions/products.
The methodology to achieve the list of actions started in February 2018 with a common vision shared during the C2 Action Group parallel session of EIP-AHA Conference of Partners, in Brussels. During April and August 2018 the interested partners of both Action Groups worked together and delivered the first version – Green Paper | Four-step list of actions to maximize the engagement of caregivers at all stages of ICT life cycle and exploitation.
This document was presented, discussed and improved in during the AAL Forum 2018, as starting point for an online open consultation between September and November 2018 on practices and policy recommendations to strengthen the engagement of caregivers in the development process of ICT-based solutions for AFE. The outcomes collected were crucial to achieve the final outcome, which is free available for consultation – White Paper | A recommended list of actions to maximize the engagement of caregivers at all stages of ICT life cycle and exploitation. The document is also available on EIP-AHA official portal in D4 and C2 Action Groups sections.
Ana Luís Jegudo, Cáritas Coimbra, Portugal
Gil Gonçalves, Inova+, Portugal
Alejandro Sánchez-Rico, Grupo CMC, Spain
Ariane Girault, E-Seniors, France
Carina Dantas, Caritas Coimbra, Portugal
Javier Ganzarian, AGE Platform Europe, Belgium
Maria José Lumini, ESEP, Portugal
Nicolai Kobliakob, Senior Group, France
Oscar Zanutto, ISRAA, Italy
Patrizia Papitto, E-Seniors, France
Sara Ponce, University of Deusto, Biscay
Sonja Hansen, Center for Assisted Living Technology, Denmark
Teresa Martins, ESEP, Portugal
Willeke van Staalduinen, AFEdemy, Netherlands
The relevant documents are available here:
Caregivers’ Role on ICT for AFE – White Paper
Caregivers’ Role on ICT for AFE – Green Paper
Caregivers’ Role on ICT for AFE – Flyer