The Pampilhosa da Serra municipality has witnessed the desertification of its territory, with a marked geographical dispersion and half of its inhabitants being 60 years old or more. The “100 Idade” project aims to bring life to isolated older people, promoting mobility, but also social and cultural activities to combat isolation. The ultimate goal is to promote active ageing and give life to the community in this region.
This is an innovation and social entrepreneurship initiative (IIES).
The “100 Idade” has two axes of intervention:
Axis 1 – Physical well-being and mobility
Axis 2 – Emotional, Occupational, Social and Cultural Welfare
Within each Axis various activities are developed.
Expected Impact
• Decrease in social isolation;
• Decreased dependence and assistance from other caregivers;
• Delay the moment of residential institutionalization;
• Decrease in the number of falls and personal health expenses;
• Bringing generations closer together;
• Increase in digital literacy through ICT;
• Increase in the number of contacts within the personal and social network of the elderly;
• Quantitative improvement in physical and social well-being.
Cáritas Coimbra is responsible for the mobilization of physical and human resources. It will provide a 30% social worker for the project activities.
Project Name: 100 IDADE
Project Acronym: 100 IDADE
Start date: 02-12-2019
End date: 30-11-2022
Total Budget: 310 354,60€
Project Coordinator: Associação de Solidariedade social de Dornelas do Zêzere
Partners: Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Pampilhosa da Serra
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Projeto100idade/
The 100 Idade project was approved under the Social Innovation Program – Partnership for Impact Measure, and is expected to run between August 2019 and July 2022. Funding is provided by the European Union, through the European Social Fund under Portugal 2020 , and are intended to finance IIES (Innovation and Social Entrepreneurship Initiative)
Within the scope of Portugal Inovação Social, an IIES is a project that aims to implement or develop an innovative solution to one or more social problems, that is, it is a project that aims to intervene in an innovative and efficient way on one or more social problems with the objective generate positive social impact.
Its social investors are the Municipality of Pampilhosa da Serra and the Dr. José Fernando Nunes Barata Foundation.
POISE-03-4639-FSE-000593 – Social entrepreneurship – Partnership Program for Impact