Category Archives: Notícias
On 15 May, the Innovation Department of Cáritas Coimbra was present at the Fair of the Private Institutions of Social Solidarity (IPSS), organised by the Santo António dos Olivais Parish Council. The Innovation Department presented itself in a more interactive format, allowing visitors to interact with the prototypes of the projects and to pick up […]
At the beginning of May, Cáritas Coimbra hosted the researcher Yu Cheng from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) to exchange experiences and knowledge on social robots in the intersection of care, user interaction, technology and society. The initiative is part of the LIFEBOTS Exchange project, funded by the H2020 programme under the […]
On 17 April, the Innovation Department joined forces with the Volunteering sector to represent Cáritas Coimbra at the Volunteering Fair held at the University of Coimbra’s Polo III – Health Sciences Polo. The idea was to promote active citizenship through the integration of inclusion projects. The Cáritas Coimbra stand was presented in a very interactive […]
In April 2024, Cáritas Coimbra organised the 4th transnational meeting of the European SUST-AID project, as well as the “Learning and Training Activities” (LTTA) event. The aim of the transnational meeting was to analyse the results already achieved and plan the next steps. On the other hand, the goals of the “Learning and Training Activities” […]
The Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Clinic of the Rainha Santa Isabel Centre of Cáritas Coimbra hosted an exhibition of the projects carried out by the institutional Innovation Department. For a week, between 8 and 12 April, the community had the opportunity to get in touch with European projects that are testing cutting-edge technologies and innovative […]
On March 19, Cáritas Coimbra was present at the commemoration of World Social Work Day at the Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences of the University of Coimbra (FPCE-UC), organised by the Coordination Committee of the Degree in Social Work. As part of the Buen Vivir theme, the event highlighted good living in terms of […]
On 20 and 21 March, the third review meeting of the Pharaon project with the European Commission took place. The awaited meeting took place in Florence and Cáritas Coimbra was present as a partner of the project, being represented by Elisabete Pitarma and Bruna Franceschini from the Innovation Department. As the organisation responsible for the […]
The IDEAHL project met for the last time at a high-level event held at the European Parliament in Brussels. The meeting, which took place between 6 and 7 March 2024, marked the final phase of the project. Authorities were invited to the event and the partners shared their final results and implementation experiences at different […]
On 22 and 23 February, Cáritas Coimbra attended the 3rd transnational meeting of the DigiLife project in Madrid (Spain), to evaluate the pilot implemented in Coimbra (Portugal) and plan the next steps. On the first day of the meeting, Cáritas Coimbra had the opportunity to present the results of the Portuguese pilot, namely the impact […]
On February 2nd, the Caritas Europa Innovation Festival 2024 took place. This event aims to promote social innovation by sharing projects across its network, inspiring others. Cáritas Coimbra, represented by Elisabete Pitarma and Ângela Rodrigues from the Innovation Department, presented the Portuguese pilot of the Pharaon project. One outcome of this event was compiling all projects […]