+ Atlântico project provides for a multi-sectoral, decentralized intervention and the implementation of action strategies that value participation and co-responsibility, as well as favour the development of local initiatives (individual or collective) and their self-sustainability and enable mobilization and individual training, community and institutional for a social change in the targeted territories.
The objective of Local Social Development Contracts is to promote the social inclusion of population groups that reveal greater fragility of social levels in a given territory, mobilizing for this purpose the integrated action of different agents and locally available resources, constituting itself as an instrument of combat to social exclusion strongly marked by a proximity intervention carried out in partnership, in order to:
a) Increase the levels of social cohesion in the municipalities that are the object of intervention, through the dynamization of their socio-territorial situation
b) Focus intervention on population groups that in each territory show the most significant weaknesses, promoting change in the situation of people taking into account their vulnerability factors
c) Enhance the pooling of efforts between the public and private sectors in the promotion and execution of projects through the mobilization of local actors with different origins
d) Strengthen the link between the interventions to be developed and the different existing planning instruments with a municipal dimension
Establishment of relevant partnerships for the execution of the established goals, in a logic of profitability of resources and not duplication of responses. Affection of the identified technician and logistical support in the development of the proposed activities, namely logistical and technical support. The institution has facilities in several premises in the Municipality of Figueira da Foz, maintaining a close relationship between the local community and the different resident ethnicities. Equal pay between genders.
In addition, Cáritas de Coimbra has an active role in disseminating the project in various events, workshops and seminars.
Project Name: + Atlântico – Intervenções integradas em territórios vulneráveis – Contratos locais de desenvolvimento social (CLDS 4G)
Project Acronym: +Atlântico
Start Date: 01/09/2020
End Date: 01/08/2023
Total Budget:35.000 €
CDC Budget: 5.264,00€
Project Coordinator: Associação Novo Olhar
- Associação Novo Olhar
- Cáritas Diocesana de Coimbra
- ACIFF – Associação Comercial e Industrial da Figueira da Foz – Associação Empresarial Regional
This project received funding from the Social Inclusion and Employment Programme – Aviso POISE-03-4232-FSE-000405