
European project PHILIP launched resources to promote health literacy among young people

The European project PHILIP – Protection of Health by Increasing the Health Literacy of Pupils, which had Cáritas Diocesana de Coimbra as one of its partners, has the final results achieved by the consortium available on the project website:

  • Transnational report on the health literacy of children and young people (11-15 years old) in the various countries of the consortium (available here);
  • Handbook “Educating for Health: Innovative Approaches to Enhancing Pupils Health Literacy”, a set of interactive and innovative resources aimed at teachers and educators (available here);
  • PHILIP training modules, a tool for health education for children and young people aged 11 to 15 years old (available here).

The Handbook “Educating for Health: Innovative Approaches to Enhancing Pupils Health Literacy” presents innovative and accessible resources for promoting health literacy in children and young people. The aim is to support teachers and educators in promoting this topic through strategies, methodologies, practical examples and useful tools in health education. The manual was revised by 18 health and education professionals from the six countries in the consortium.

The PHILIP Training Modules, which can be used in formal and non-formal education contexts, include different topics, such as “How do sleep, exercise and diet affect your health?”, “Fun and interactive activities to promote healthy habits” and “How can I get reliable health information on the internet?”. The modules were tested on 240 children and young people from the 6 countries in the consortium, in order to assess the content, interest/utility and satisfaction. In Portugal, the pilot phase involved three 9th grade classes from the Group of Schools of Lousã, and the results were very positive. The general results of the pilot phase are available in a transnational report, in English, which can be access here.

All the materials are available in English and in the official languages of the consortium countries (including Portuguese), free of charge, on the project’s official website:

This project is funded by the European Commission’s Erasmus+ Programme, in a partnership between six European entities: Cáritas Diocesana de Coimbra (Portugal), Tiber Umbria Comett Education Programme – TUCEP (Italy), E-School Educational Group (Greece), Academia Postal 3 Vigo S.L. (Spain), Inovaciju tinklas (Lithuania) and Ústav pro zdravotní gramotnost, z.ú. (Czech Republic), project coordinator.



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