
Cáritas Coimbra was a mentor in the hackathon Shift APPens

Cáritas Coimbra was present at the 6th edition of Shift APPens as a mentor of the Hack For Good challenges together with the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, from April 5 to 7, at the Mário Mexia Multi-sports Municipal Pavilion.

This event was an authentic marathon of development and programming that brought together for three days designers, programmers and entrepreneurs with the goal of developing transformative technological solutions.

Cáritas Coimbra, represented by Flávia Rodrigues and Joana Vieira, from the Innovation Department, in partnership with the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, participated in the event as a mentor of the teams participating in the Hack For Good challenges. This was the way organizers bring a social component to this technological event through themes such as active ageing, integration of refugees and migrants, and the well-being of migrant children and young people, inspiring the Shifters to want to improve society through the use of their knowledge for the development of solutions aimed at contributing to the resolution of social problems.

The winning application of Hack For Good was “Momentus”, which consisted of a platform to facilitate relationships between caregivers and family members in providing care for the older adults. In short, this application would have recorded the “moments” of the older adults, such as doctor visits and visits to the pharmacy, to allow families or caregivers to organise between themselves through the notification of the availability or means of each one to help the older adult in an emerging need. In addition, the application would also suggest quality moments to increase the interaction between the older adults and their caregivers / relatives.

During the event, several innovative ideas were presented to promote greater organisation between the different Cáritas Coimbra centres, users and their families, to combat the loneliness of the older adults, to stimulate the cognitive component of users with degenerative diseases, among others.

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